Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Three Qualities of Good Customer Service

Shawn Tillitt is the president and CEO of Jet Clean Janitorial, Inc. in Yorba Linda, California. As the head of Jet Clean Janitorial, Inc, Shawn Tillitt oversees a business model that ensures his staff delivers professional results and excellent customer service at all times.

The support you offer a customer before, during, and after they purchase and use your service or product is called customer service. Quality customer service is important because it gives customers an enjoyable user experience with your brand. Excellent customer service can help you retain customers and keep your company on a growth trajectory. There are several qualities a staff member must have to offer exemplary customer service, but the most essential are patience, professionalism, and a people-first attitude.

Not all customers are the same. For example, you may be able to quickly guide one customer through a difficult problem while another may be confused by what you’re explaining to them and ask several questions. So you must exercise patience and let a customer determine the pace of your interaction. This way, they can leave satisfied that you helped them with their query.

When offering customer service, you may encounter an upset client, rude, or immature. Don’t mirror their behavior. Instead, stay calm and reassure them you’ll do your best to solve their problem.

While you’re in business to make money, your customers shouldn’t feel they’re just a sale to you. Therefore, offer customer service that makes your customer feel they can raise any concerns they have with you and that they’re valued.

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